Blue Room Inventory

Type: Web App, Inventory

Team: 3

Tools used: C#, PHP, CSS, bootstrap


  • A user-friendly interface.
  • Keep track of purchases and items.
  • Ability to make reports.
  • Calculate Expenses.

Project Overview

An inventory system that would give the client the ease of keeping track of the food inventory, expenses, and budget per month for the business.


  As a first step, my team interviewed the client and found out what he wants in an inventory system. The next step was to create data flow diagrams to determine how the data would be used on the app and what pages we would need. Starting with the main page it would bring the user to the Reports, Orders, Items, or Billing pages. The Reports page would allow the user to display a report depending on the day chosen, the user would then have the option to print out the report. Orders would be separated into Purchased Items and Used Items pages, where the user enters the purchased items, which are then recorded in a database and will either increase or decrease the inventory amount. Additionally, there would be an Invoice page where invoices would be displayed and can be sorted by month. On the Item Entry page, the user would be able to enter items that had been used on a certain date, which would then appear on the Item Display page where the user could sort items and determine what items need to be restocked. When a user places a budget for the week on the Billing page, it shows the user the revenue and expenses for the week using the data from the Purchase page.